• AQF Certification Issuance Policy
• Records Retention and Management Policy
• Privacy Policy
• The purpose of this policy is to ensure that effective administrative records management procedures
are in place for students who wish to gain access to their personal information.
• Royal Gateway ensures that the access constitutes integrity, accuracy and the currency of the
information being accessed.
• At Royal Gateway we acknowledge that students need access to their records in order to monitor
their progress and participation.
• Royal Gateway will facilitate access to records to a student on request.
• It is the responsibility of all staff to respond positively to these requests and assist the student to
complete the request form and facilitate access.
• An individual may request copies of their personal records/information or for their personal
information to be amended so that it is accurate.
• Students who require access to their records are required to make the request in writing and provide
Photo ID.
• Students must specify what records they need access to. Access will only be provided to the student
and only after identification has been confirmed.
• Where a third party requires access to a student’s records, they must arrange for the student to
complete a signed release of personal information form.
• A Royal Gateway Administration Officer will respond to the request within two business days.
• Student to request access to personal records using the access to personal information form.
• Alternatively, a third party to request access to personal information providing a completed Release of
personal Information form signed by the student.
• Identity is confirmed and Photo ID provided.
• Completed form(s) and details of sited identification to be saved in the student’s documents in Royal
Gateway’s Student Management System.
• Within 2 days of a request the student receives a response.
• Students to be sent copies of requested documents to be sent within 2 days. If not feasible the student
should be contacted to discuss access.
Montere eCollege Pty.Ltd T/As Royal Gateway RTO32321 CRICOS 03471M
Student access to records policy